The Human Condition

Our cozy little planet is presumed to have existed for over four and a half billion years. In the most recent three of those, it has been teeming with life. They come and go, and more than we will ever know of. The truth is there have been many species of fascinating creatures that crawled, squirmed, floated, swam, galloped, trotted, scurried, walked, ran and flown throughout our ever changing environment called Earth. Each had its mechanism for being. Each had the means with which to move about, perpetuate and thrive; the means with which to process some form of cognition, or maybe at the very least the means with which to perceive. Each had within it the mechanism responsible for ending the inadequate; the unnecessary; the obsolete. Some of these creatures persisted for millions of years before the mechanism within them led them down that narrowing path. To appear as if they never existed or at best to forever sequel into a display at the Smithsonian. To be something to learn from. We humans, the latest upgrade model of hominid, are no different. We have our own mechanism of survival, perpetuation, and ultimately, our own demise, “The Human Condition.”

The human condition, it mars the soul, and burdens the spirit. It is the initiating tool, cycle and grand culmination of all of societies mistakes and undoings. Whether you think of it as sin, failure, shortcomings, ethical or moral turpitude, or unhealthy normal reactions to abnormal stress. It divides us from harmony. It unites us in doleful conspiracy. It diminishes our value as a species. It threatens to resolve our issues with finality. To cure the infection we fester upon this planet by allowing us to render ourselves onto the path of extinction. We can learn to heal the wounds of the human condition. Treat the symptoms, and practice good preventative care, and we will prevail. Cure the human condition and we will evolve to something better; something truly amazing.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

When The Daily Grind Gets You Down...

     I stayed way passed my shift one night... To unwind, I rode my beast north on the 101.  My mission, to get a better look at the night sky without city lights to drown them out... 
     Deep above, Orion stood with prominence... If I am not mistaken; Those stars may be the brightest elements of what is actually the Andromeda Galaxy, but I'm no expert... Underfoot, Venus, Sirius, Aldebaran and Jupiter played "ring around the rosy," circling a recumbent crescent moon... High above, Pleiades seven sisters cling together, anxiously waiting the early dawn, when the fore mentioned companions will so completely out shine and cause them to go into hiding... All the while that easy moon just kicked back and smiled... 
    I can not help this sensation... Far beyond all of these known or perceived astounding heavenly bodies, there is something... There is an unrelenting beckoning... Something that craves to feel, like the longing one has, when you miss the touch of a lost impassioned lover... I know the communion still is... I am, have always, will ever be... Connected... Connected... Connected...

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