In a conversation with a new friend I found myself enthralled; inspired; hopeful for more... When she posed the question, "Patrick, what do suppose is happening, psychologically?" At first I thought, from a clinicians perspective, 'That is one of those questions one poses to redirect; to re-establish a boundary when there has been encroachment, and it is a caring and ethical way to promote introspect.' Also you might think the rolls of therapist and patient are in play here, which in turn is not at all what I'd hoped for... As such, I didn't have an immediate clear answer and then having re-evaluated the possible motivation behind the query; I realized there really was a genuine caring in the intrigue... Perhaps in instances like these, there may be two therapist at work...
The answer is the same for all of us, each time we make a healthy connection with another human being... Each time we make a genuine new friend, or form a new healthy love interest, or re-establish an old relationship, or even just form a new acquaintance with a compatible goal (such as a group of individuals with the same love for words)... We start pulling for the same team, 'Us.' We commence with the healing...
I can not help but wonder about the possibilities... If we can each begin by being selfless and offer ourselves onto the connection, without conditions or expectations... Just genuine selfless consideration and caring... The effects of inter relational activities may well ripple out and in turn begin promoting the healing... Healing that in the world around us...
In every aspect of our lives... Everyday we interact with the world around us and we do have an effect, some clearly more so than others, in any case, I would hope that each of us would prefer this "effect" be something that helps us sleep at night; Something that will keeps us smiling through out the day; Something that we can cherish.... I can not change the myopic views that tends to plague our society, but I can strive to affect a change... That change starts with me; with whom I can share love of the same... With whom I can promote healing... I say let the healing continue...
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